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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Jump Start

I collect plastic bags.
It may seem bizarre but I have a container filled with plastic bags that were brought from different stores over a long period of time. It is not a hobby nor an interest but rather, an impulse reaction brought by the numerous environment seminars I have gone to since my elementary days.
More than my personal experience, further inculcating this unconscious decision to the public may be the answer to address the issue on the cost and benefits of the environment as geographically, socially and, temporally differentiated.
I personally acknowledge that education is a key aspect for people to understand the environment, its benefits when valued, as well as the consequences when it's devalued. The curriculum should include the costs and benefits of going green and it must start as early as Elementary.
Kids should be informed about the basic methods of the 3Rs: Reuse, Reduce and Recycle and should be knowledgeable of their accountability to the environment. This should be coupled with fun activities to encourage them to continue the practice like drawing their favorite animal or flower. Starting early means a higher chance of pursuing the action. This explains why as young as 10 years old, I have had an aversion of simply throwing away plastic containers or an inclination to reuse plastic bottles.
Of course given that not everyone has access to education, I also think that the adults should be given seminars. This could be done through the government’s intervention in assigning DOH officials to barangays and conducting seminars at town centers or barangay halls. This is especially for people who live in provinces where schools are distant and information dissemination is relatively slow. The idea of having activities, jingles and other ways of making the seminar enjoyable should be implemented here as well. There could be fun runs, strict implementation of garbage segregation and other concrete ways to encourage people to save Mother Earth.
As said by Fr. Jett in his plenary “Going Green to go Mainstream”, education forms citizens and leaders that are for the common good. Through proper education and efficient information dissemination, people from all social classes will not only be aware of the environment conditions present today but will have the conscious and unconscious decision to take action and become an engaged citizen.
Education coupled with entertaining activities is a step forward to thinking out of the box to reform people’s ideas. It will definitely be a kick-start to promoting that “Cleaner is cheaper, simpler, safer and lovelier.”

6th Blogpost by Dyan Suaco